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October Newsletter


You will all see some changes to the IWCV Newsletter this month. In an effort to keep it shorter and sweeter and less repetitive, we have eliminated a lot of the descriptions of events – but not to worry, it’s all on our website and all you have to do is click on the links following each entry for complete details and to register. Email us at and let us know your thoughts about the new format. We’d love to hear your reactions!


Before we get to that though, we do need your help. Our lovely Board Member and Treasurer Dora Sanchez needs to take a break for personal reasons (thank you for all your hard work over the years, Dora!), and we are looking for a replacement treasurer. If you have a background in bookkeeping or accounting and would like to join the IWCV Board of Directors, please just send a quick email to Jane at and we will get back to you with a job description and details of the position. Thank you for considering!


Read on to find out what the IWCV has planned for you this coming month, and don’t forget to check the IWCV website ( periodically as events are added all the time!)


  • First Tuesday Coffee Morning, Tuesday 1 OctoberOpen to all women of Valencia, both IWCV members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to register in advance; just drop by for a cuppa and a chat. First Tuesday Coffee | IWC - Valencia

  • Eating for Beauty: How Your Diet Shapes Your Looks, Wednesday 2 October. Come and explore some myths and truths about the connection between diet and beauty. Eating for Beauty: How your diet shapes your looks | IWC - Valencia

  • Fellows of the IWCV Happy Hour, Wednesday 2 October. Zorba’s Wine & Cocktail Bar. Come and meet old friends and make new ones! Fellows of the IWCV Happy Hour | IWC - Valencia

  • Eating for Energy Part 2, Tuesday 8 October. Let’s debunk more myths! Come even if you weren’t at Part 1 and discover the truth about how to fuel your body! Eating for Energy Part 2 | IWC - Valencia

  • New Members Meet Up,  Tuesday 8 October. For new members who have joined within the past 6 months – meet some IWCV Board members, learn about what we offer you, and meet each other! New Members Meetup | IWC - Valencia

  • A Day in Nature Visiting Montanejos and a Waterfall. Tuesday 15 October. Come and enjoy a relaxing escape in the heart of nature! A Day in Nature Visiting Montanejos and a Waterfall | IWC - Valencia

  • IWCV Luncheon for Members, Partners/Spouses, & Fellows of the IWCV. Thursday 17 October. Join us this month as we taste some of the best food from Bombay and the surrounding areas at Restaurante Bombay Aroma! October Luncheon | IWC - Valencia

  • Proyecto Vivir Tour, Thursday 17 October. Join us on a tour of the Proyecto Vivir facilities where we will learn about the kinds of assistance they provide to their clients. Then we will walk a short distance to their re-sale store where they sell donated items. Proyecto Vivir Tour | IWC - Valencia

  • Intro to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, Wednesday 23 October. Have you tried to meditate and found your thoughts racing and your body fidgeting? It’s not easy to stop a car going 200 miles per hour! Kundalini yoga & meditation is a practice that stops that car. And you can even do it while sitting in a chair. Intro to Kundalini Yoga and Meditation | IWC - Valencia



Janine Forbes, VP Membership

 New members and Re-joiners in September 2024


Anna Ellerkamp                 US

Carol Graham                    US

Cathleen Mosel                  US

Corina Garcia Gonzalez      Argentina

Helena Scholsberg             Nederlands

Marina Doronina                US

Michelle Thompson            Canada

Nicki Taylor                       US

Pilar Sequeira                    Spain/US

Sara Baini               Lebanese/Portuguese

Shreya Rajesh                   UK

Souad Asallem                  UK

Fully registered members now stand at 268.


Happy Birthday to our October ladies!

Alessandra Lopez

Dini Spliet

Donna Pinsof

Flora Corella

Kim Varas

Lorraine Theodore

Margie Spillen

Maria Mosquera

Marianne Falck

Marina Bardila

Melane Comstock

Nicky Taylor

Rebecca Cabo

Ricarda Biesok

Susan Crochet

Susan Komornik

Violeta Salvador Medina


Input from Membership VP - Janine Forbes


Members came to us this month through searching the web, Facebook and through other member referrals. Thank you, however you found us, and welcome! 12 new members joined us this month from seven countries which is wonderful addition to our international family.


Remember all the information you need about the IWCV is on the website. If you would like to join one of our many WhatsApp groups, just contact the relevant lead member or any Board Member. If you know of any women in your personal network who you think would enjoy our club, please pass on and bring them along to our First Tuesday Coffee behind the MUVIM Museum on 1 October or to our OWL Happy Hour at Taberna La Mora on 30 October!


A New Members Meet up will take place on 8th October at 16:00. Click on the link above and sign up if you are interested are attending.


Ambassador Programme


Famke Grootswagers will be at the new members meeting on the 8th of October and can link you up with an ambassador if you would like one. If you would like to join the Ambassador team and help a new member integrate into life in Valencia, please contact Famke on




Pauline Fitzgerald, VP – Charities


Winter and the holiday season are fast approaching, and our charities will continue to need our support. For those of you who wish to make a private donation, the bank details of our charities are as follows; please ensure that you note IWCV in the reference box.

Proyecto Vivir ES75 3159 0066 9828 5328 2123

Casa Caridad  La Caixa: ES47 2100 0736 0022 0061 2310 Banco Sabadell: ES75 0081 7352 4300 0105 7311

Casa Ronald ES27 0081 1518 9300 0150 8057



As I mentioned previously Proyector Vivir are always looking for volunteers for their store to maintain normal business opening hours. The turnover from the store is a main source of income for the charity. If you are interested to volunteer for this worthy cause, can you please contact Proyecto Vivir by phone or by email:

Telephone: +34 647 738 103 (please ask to speak with Cindy who organizes the schedule. The store is located at Calle González Márti 3, 46008 Valencia.)


In parallel, donations of used clothes (all ages) & small household items would be welcomed for the store. Members of the charities team will be accepting donations at coffee morning on October 1st. Otherwise please drop off your donations at PV Store.


There will be a tour of Proyecto Vivir on 17 October (see above for details link)



Last month we had an urgent request from CR for donations to replace a washing machine. Thanks to the quick response and generosity of you ladies, CR had sufficient funds to replace this domestic appliance within 24hours. What a great result, ladies!



Once again, we will support this charity during the holiday season with donations of gift bags for the homeless and children's gifts for Three Kings. Check your emails in the coming weeks for details.



I am still looking for volunteers to help organize a major fundraising event in 2025 for our three Charities, Casa Ronald, Casa Caridad & Proyecto Vivir. I know there are great skill sets amongst all you ladies be it creativity, organization, planning, music or just enthusiasm & being involved, the list is endless. If you are interested to be part of this team, please contact me by email or WhatsApp

Email:, +34 634 336165


And yet again, a sincere thank you to you wonderful ladies for your continuous support.



Susan Burke March, VP—Activities


We had unique experience with the introduction to Virtual Reality Physical Therapy event and our tour of Valencia’s Hindu Temple in September, and we have many more interesting events planned for you in the coming months! Our cultural walking tours and day trips are going strong, and we look forward to having members coordinate new experiences with us. If you have any suggestions or ideas for new things to try (both one-off and on-going activities) please contact Susan at or WhatsApp +34 651 85 84 63 and chat with her! She will give you all the help you need to bring your ideas to life!



Carey Hepler, Coordinator


The Fellows of the IWCV is open to all men of Valencia, including the male spouses/partners of IWCV members, current & former. To join the group, please email Carey Hepler at and give him your name & contact details. If there is a particular activity that you are interested in and would like to coordinate, let Carey know!


Take a look above for the link to details of the Fellows’ October Happy Hour. All IWCV members, their partners/spouses and guests are invited to attend!





Wednesday 9 October        Día de la Comunidad Valenciana & St Dionysius Day

Saturday 12 October          Fiesta Nacional de España


We are looking forward to seeing all of you at IWCV events this coming month!


Jane Buck,




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