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May 2024

We had 3 seasons this past week in Valencia: end-of-winter cool, the rainy season, and (hopefully coming today or tomorrow) the beginning of summer. Before we know it, we will all be leaving those jackets in the closets and heading for the beach! I can’t wait for the blue skies, sunshine, and sandals!


Before we let you know what the IWCV has in store for you, we have a special, important message for those of you who live on your own or spend a good bit of time alone when you are at home. Please consider getting yourself a tele-assistance pendant. It’s a waterproof pendant that you can wear on your neck, with a button to push in case of an emergency – an illness, an accident, etc. Pushing the button will summon emergency services to come help you when you can’t help yourself. There are many organizations that provide tele-emergency services but start by talking to your doctors and see what they recommend. Prices range from free to affordable to very expensive; you can choose one that’s right for you. Please consider getting one of these potentially life-saving devices – and use it! Here are a few examples of organizations that may help you, and there are many others out there:




Do you have your own business here in Valencia? Why not let your fellow IWCV members know about it? We are happy to post member-owned businesses on the IWCV website. Just send the following information to IWCV Board Member Susan Kaplan at Member Business

·       Your name

·       Brief description of your business

·       Name of your business

·       Address (if applicable)

·       Phone Number

·       Email

·       Website


Read on to find out what the IWCV has planned for you this coming month, and don’t forget to check the IWCV website ( periodically as events are added all the time!)

Upcoming Events - please go to the website to find out more and to register!

  • FIRST TUESDAY COFFEE Tuesday 7 May, 10:30am – and we’re back outdoors at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum! Our coffee morning is open to all women of Valencia, both IWCV members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to sign up in advance; just stop by for a cuppa and a chat! 

  • FELLOWS OF THE IWCV MAY HAPPY HOUR Wednesday 8 May, 5:00pm to 7pm at Taberna Entretablas, C/del Hospital 30, Ciutat Vella.

  • IWCV MAY LUNCHEON Thursday 16 May,  2:00pm. Our May luncheon is for IWCV members only. Details will be posted to the IWCV website shortly so keep checking!

  • PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CLINIC Friday 17 May. Open to IWCV Members, their partners/spouses, Fellows of the IWCV, and out-of-town guests. Would you like to have 15 minutes with our IWCV real estate expert Rebecca Cabo to discuss your questions about renting or buying property in Valencia? Sign up here! Personal Real Estate Clinic - May 2024 | IWC - Valencia

  • FELLOWS OF THE IWCV MAY LUNCH Tuesday 21 May, 1:00pm for drinks and mingling, lunch at 2:00pm at Secreto de Anna, c/de la Vall de la Ballestera 9. Open to Fellows of the IWCV, IWCV members, and their “plus-ones”. Lunch includes: 5 appetisers for each table, unlimited drinks during lunch, a choice of entrée, postre and café. For complete details plus details on how to sign up, please visit Fellows of the IWCV - May Lunch | IWC - Valencia

  • BAROQUE VALENCIA – A HISTORICAL WALKING TOUR THROUGH VALENCIA’S OLD TOWN Thursday 30 May, meet at 10:15am. Open to IWCV Members, their partners/spouses; out-of-town guests, and Fellows of the IWCV. The Spanish Baroque of the first decades gave vent to the Italian influence, visible in Valencian architectural works such as Saint Martin, Santos Juanes, and, more clearly, in Valencia’s Cathedral. Our English-speaking guide David from Ars Magna will explain the importance of the post-Moorish period in Valencia’s history as we enjoy a morning walking through Valencia’s old town. We will let you know when registration opens for this fascinating tour.   Please remember that you cannot cancel your place at any IWCV activity by clicking a link on our website. It will not work! Instead, please email so that we can cancel your place and give the next person on the waitlist a chance to attend. Thank you for understanding.


Janine Forbes, VP Membership


The IWCV had a bumper crop of new members this month which is a delight to see, with many being recommended by friends already part of our wonderful community. We have now successfully linked up the new members application process with our group WhatsApp chats (“Join us for Local Events” and “Social Chat”) and the offer of an ambassador, all at the point of joining.

I have taken over responsibility for the Social Chat from April with at the aim of keeping it to relevant topics and recommendations. This has been well received by new members and feedback is good so far. Feedback from the chats overall is generally positive with regards to recommendations and local events. We are organising a new members’ coffee for mid may and hope to meet you all there!


Input from Ambassadors

We have a growing number of new members who are keen to meet up with a local Ambassador and get to know Valencia better. If you are someone with experience of the city, who likes to meet and show people around or even just to be a friendly face over a coffee, please get in touch with Joanne Simpson at The ambassadors are also having a meet up in May yet to be arranged.


New members in April

Ana Ruiz de Mayer  USA

Carmina Fernandez         Spain

Diny Spliet                        Holland

Donna Pinsof                   USA

Donna Smith                    Canada

Elizabeth Morales            USA

Kristin White           USA

Lynn McDougall               USA

Melane Comstock            USA

Monica Seiter                   USA

Rosemary Mc Grath         USA

Simona Pappalardo         Romania

Susi Stork                        USA

Teresa Villegas                USA

Veronica Bremerton        Australia

Vicki Stollmeyer               USA


Happy Birthday to our May birthday members!

Adrienne Taylor

Bela Patel

Brenda Sherman

Deborah Pallach

Diana Sumner

Elaine Cobos

Janine Forbes

Jill Miller

Karen Fallon

Katie Irwin

Lauren Zielinsky

Liesbeth Devriendt

Linda Byrd

Liz Humphreys

Madeleine Cutting

Mary Reeves

Melissa Hutcheson

Nina Paolo

Notta Somogyi

Pinar Ozhal

Renee Kemsley

Roxana Coman

Terri OBryan

Virginia Lindsay

Yvonne Rodriguez 


Charities & Fundraising

Pauline Fitzgerald, Charities Chair

On two Tuesdays, 16 and 23 April, IWCV members visited Casa Calidad, one of the three charitable organizations in Valencia supported by the IWCV. IWCV Casa Caridad Liaison Marta Sloviak organized the tours. Nacho Torres, a social worker at the headquarters on Paseo de la Pechina, guided us through the building, explaining all about the services provided to those in need - for more than 100 years, Casa Caridad has been providing food, shelter, and essential supplies to those in need in Valencia - to women, children, and men - with the mission to improve lives while preserving human dignity. Thank you to all you ladies who participated; it was a great opportunity to see the work being carried out by this organization to support those less fortunate. Thank you also to Susan Kaplan for being our interpreter on both occasions.


As we approach May, we continue our mission to raise awareness of Casa Caridad, Proyecto Vivir and Casa Ronald.  Please watch updates for volunteer requirements at Casa Caridad and Proyecto Vivir.


For those of you who wish to make a private donation, the bank details of our charities are as follows; please ensure that you note IWCV in the reference box.

Proyecto Vivir

ES75 3159 0066 9828 5328 2123


Casa Caridad

1. La Caixa: ES47 2100 0736 0022 0061 2310


2. Banco Sabadell: ES75 0081 7352 4300 0105 7311


Casa Ronald

ES27 0081 1518 9300 0150 8057


Thank you as always ladies for your wonderful support.


Susan Burke March, VP - Activities



We had a very successful April with many activities enjoyed by many IWCV members!


Our Punch Needle Rug Workshop took place on Friday 5 April, with 8 women participating and learning how to transfer their designs to canvas (a burlap type of material designed for rugs), how to thread their punch needles and how to turn their no longer blank canvases into lovely rugs to use on floors, walls, as cushion covers, and for other things. One of our members is even considering decorating a hat with hooked rug designs! Our teacher Vicki Ripari was infinitely patient with us, and we will have another workshop in the future.


On Thursday 11 April, a lively group of seven members met to learn myths and truths about The Blue Zones, named for a select number of geographical locations where people lived the longest, healthiest lives. There certainly are pockets of longevity in Valencia where people follow Blue Zones principles—of socialization, enjoying freshly cooked food with friends, avoiding fast foods and packaged foods, getting regular activity, managing stress, and so on.

Participants were surveyed: "How was the event useful to you? One said, "Interesting to learn how they're working on commercializing Blue Zones," "Some myths were busted!", "I learned more about eating better", and "This is helpful for me to adopt healthy habits." In response to the second question, name your favorite experience or moment during the event; most said they enjoyed the discussions after the presentation. One said they loved the camaraderie of the group, and another said they liked the PowerPoint slides. And finally, in answer to "what was your biggest takeaway? "What we eat matters!" and "We know what we must do!" And my favorite - "Beans and More Beans!"


On Friday 12 April, 7 IWCV members learned from Pilates Trainer Leyna Pilates that Pilates really can help your knees, no matter why they are bothering you, by painlessly strengthening the muscles that support the knees. According to Leyna, you will see a decided improvement in as quickly as 2 to 3 months, and after 6 months you might even forget that your knees were ever a problem. And, the benefit you can gain from practicing Pilates regularly will transfer to the rest of your body too, so all in all, a win-win way of improving your health and lifestyle!


On Saturday, 20 April through Sunday 21 April, IWCV members and some of their spouses took a short rural getaway to the village of Alobras - an overnight with transportation, accommodations, meals, and our own personal guide, Pau Chinestra. This was a first for the IWCV, and it was a success! One participant said she appreciated the opportunity to meet new people, travel outside Valencia, and be in nature. Another said that Beyond Valencia's expert guide Pau did a "wonderful job. “He is personable, competent, flexible, and perfectly interacted with the local residents. We liked being with him and trusted his judgment." We are working on scheduling additional overnight tours.


Our Famous Women of Valencia historical walking tour took place on Thursday 25 April. It coordinated by Brenda Stein and guided by David Beat, our expert guide from Ars Magna. One of the participants commented on how passionate David is about Valencia's history, and said she learned a lot. David conducts monthly tours for IWCV—look for the next one coming in May. David’s tours are open to IWCV members, your partners/spouses, Fellows of the IWCV, and out-of-town guests.

Ongoing Events

We have many ongoing activities, which have private WhatsApp groups to keep members informed of what’s happening with each one. Please visit the Activities page of the website to learn more about each activity.



Carey Hepler, Coordinator


The Fellows of the IWCV is open to the men of Valencia, including the male spouses/partners of IWCV members, current & former. To join the group, please email Carey Hepler at and give him your name & contact details. If there is a particular activity that you are interested in and would like to coordinate, let Carey know!


Take a look above for details of the Fellows’ May Happy Hour and their May lunch. All IWCV members are invited to attend!




May 1 - Labor Day

We are looking forward to seeing all of you at IWCV events this coming month!


Jane Buck,


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