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January 2023

Have you all made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? I am torn between the ones I have unsuccessfully made in years past (lose weight, get into shape, travel more, etc.) and the ones that I might possibly succeed at (drink a glass of water every morning, stop biting my nails). Maybe my resolution for this New Year should be to start thinking earlier next year about what my resolution should be! Regardless, I hope yours are successful whatever they may be – and Happy New Year everyone!


Events for January

Susan Kaplan, VP Membership

  • First Tuesday Coffee (Second Tuesday this month) – Tuesday 10 January, 10:30am at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum. The coffee morning is open to all women in Valencia, both members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to register in advance - just stop by and join us!

  • January Luncheon – Thursday 19 January, 2:00pm. What better way to start the new year than by having a truly Valencian meal in a lovely Valencian restaurant! Our January luncheon is open to IWCV members and their partners/spouses. For details and to register, go to January Luncheon | IWC - Valencia

  • Pharoah King of Egypt Guided Tour (In English) – Monday 23 January, 11:15am, at the CaixaForum. For IWCV members and their partners/spouses. Join us as we explore, through a collection of objects from the British Museum, the ideals, symbolism and ideology of the pharaohs. For details and to register, go to Pharoah King of Egypt Guided Tour (In English) | IWC - Valencia

  • OWL Happy Hour – Wednesday 25 January, The IWCV’s “OWL” Happy Hour will take place at 6 PM at Babilonia on Calle Mestre Clavé just off St. Vincent Martir next door to Hundred. Your spouse /partner /guests are welcome to join you. There is no need to register for OWL, but if you know that you will be there please email and let us know how many of you will be coming so that we can let the folks at Babilonia know about how many we will be.

  • Tour of the Casa and Museu del Pintor Jose Benilliure – Thursday 26 January, 10:30am.Join us on this tour of the home and studio of Jose Benilliure, one of the most important Valencian painters. For IWCV members and their partners/spouses. For complete details and to register, go to Tour of the Casa and Museu del Pintor Jose Benilliure | IWC - Valencia

  • Let’s Bust Some Nutrition Myths – Tuesday 31 January, 11am at Cathy Cleaver’s home. For IWCV members and their partners/spouses. IWCV member Susan Burke March is a retired Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and serves as Country Representative to Spain for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In this fun and interactive session, Susan will get to the meat of the matter – what’s “best” and “worst”– and we’ll bust some nutrition myths. For details and to sign up, please click on Let’s Bust Some Nutrition Myths! | IWC - Valencia

You may be eligible to vote in Spanish Municipal Elections on 28 May 2023!

If you are an EU Citizen, or a national of Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Korea, Ecuador, Iceland, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru or Trinidad and Tobago, with 5 or more years of legal and uninterrupted residence in Spain; or a national of Norway or the United Kingdom, with 3 years or more of legal and uninterrupted residence in Spain you are eligible to vote in this year’s Municipal Elections. All you have to do is register!


Online: You must prove your identity through the Cl@ve system or with the telematic processing key (CTT) that you will (hopefully) receive by mail from the INE.

By post: send the form you may have received from the INE, signed and completed without the need for postage, to the following address:

Provincial Delegation of the INE

Camino Nuevo de Picanya 27, 46014 Valencia.

In person at the Ayuntamiento, presenting the following documentation:

Completed formal declaration form (modelo FDA).

Copy of your foreigner's identification card containing the NIE, or copy of your DNI, or passport of your country of origin.

at the Information and Registration Office (Arquebisbe Mayoral 1Acc B - City Hall): from 8.30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday; or at the Citizen Attention Office (Tabacalera): from 8.30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.


Until January 30, 2023, inclusive.

For more information, go to Delegación Provincial del INE, Camino Nuevo de Picanya 27, 46014 València, Phone: 963166200, email:, website:

New Members

Sibyll Davis – American

Kristie Griffine – American

Hilary Hart – American

Morven Lindsay – Scottish

Margarita Padilla – American

Alison Otwy – Jamaican/British

January Birthdays

Bonnie Noble

Catherine McCallum

Clair Ackland

Cynthia Marin

Elaine Weckwerth

Ginny Krivis

Hilary Hart

Jana Johnsen

Julie Anne Sharpe

Julie Turner

Maria Adreea Mazilu

Maria Martinez

Mathilde Rispoli

Nadia Yarychevska

Patricia Kingham

Sandra Car

Sterrett Brandt

Susan Kaplan

Charities and Fundraising

Pauline Fitzgerald, Chair – Charities & Fundraising

On behalf of The Charities Team, I would like to say a 'Big' thank you to all you wonderful IWCV ladies. Your continued and unrelentless support is amazing. We touch the hearts and bring joy to so many less fortunate people during the holiday season. This year in collaboration with Amigos de la Calle we have supported two Projects: Gifts for the Homeless and Sponsor a Child

Our Gifts for the Homeless project was a huge success! More than 350 gifts, including underwear, socks, gloves, hats, sweaters, and more – all gift wrapped and labeled – were collected, along with at least 70 cloth gift bags. All the gifts were given to the homeless by Amigos de la Calle volunteers. Take a look at the photos on the IWCV website! Many thanks to all IWCV members and friends who generously donated to this very worthy cause, and a huge thank you to Missy Anobile for her hard and successful work in coordinating this project once again and ensuring the gifts were collected and delivered to Amigos de la Calle for December 18th. This year our Sponsor a Child efforts saw us sponsoring 90 children, more than double what we did in 2021. This is amazing IWCV Ladies, and a special mention and thank you goes to our member Claire Keefe, who works throughout the year with Amigos de la Calle and supports us with the Sponsor a Child Project. Claire does amazing work and is very much appreciated! Proyecto Vivir - Poinsettia Plants Our members purchased 37 Poinsettia Plants raising a total of €185 for Proyecto Vivir. Casa Ronald – Casa Ronald Christmas Baskets were also a success this year. Our members purchased a total of 36 baskets, raising €180 for Casa Ronald.

As we come to the end of 2022, I would like to thank our Charity Coordinators, Carmen Martin (Casa Ronald), Karen Koski (Casa Caridad) & Maria Alejandra González Austin (Proyecto Vivir). These ladies work tirelessly behind the scenes to raise awareness of the needs of our charities.

And finally, to you, the ladies of the IWCV, thank you! Without your support it would not have been possible to achieve our goals. As we approach 2023, we look forward to new challenges and will strive to support people in need.


Phyllis So, VP Activities

Wow, it’s already January 2023? Where did the time go? Here is an update on ongoing activities:

Spanish and Coffee continues to meet in January after a short break for the holidays. We are glad to see that there is a still a lot of interest in the group. We still face a challenge to find a place that is conducive to a group like this. It is difficult to have it in a coffee shop as many people come the table sizes are not conducive to a group chat. If you know of anywhere that might be a fit for the group, please let us know!

Women Who Walk continues to have a good group that meets at the Palau de la Musica to walk the Turia and then have coffee every Friday, and with the unusually warm weather in Valencia there are a lot of people attending.

Board Games and More - there was a great holiday party plus the game 3/13 at Missy Anobile’s home in December. It was a lovely time with some of our regulars. In 2023 we will add new games to our repertoire. Stay tuned….

Knit and Knatter met this month at Cathy Cleaver’s home. It proves to be a fun and inventive group.

Mahjong has been going strong at our new winter venue, Wok Valencia, and will be able to continue throughout the winter this year. If you are interested in learning the game, please contact Jane at as we hope to have a new class in the first quarter 2023.

Upcoming January Events:

Take a look above under Membership Events for a complete list of all we have in store for you this month, with links to sign up!

  • On Monday, January 23 beginning at 11:15am, coordinator there will be a tour of the Pharaoh of Egypt guided tour in English (thanks to Julie Massie for setting this up!. The exhibit is at the CaixaForum (the big blue egg-shaped building at the City Arts & Sciences). If you haven’t been yet it’s a great way to see and learn about it. You will have time afterwards for a cuppa and to explore the CaixaForum itself.

  • On Thursday 26 January, our wonderful English speaking guide David will take us on a tour of the Casa & Museu of the Painter Jose Benilliure. Many thanks to our own Brenda Stein for coordinating this fascinating tour.

  • And, on Tuesday, January 31 we have Susan March, Registered Dietician, whose lively presentation “Let’s Bust Some Nutrition Myths” will include some positive changes we can make to our lifestyles to ensure a healthy life.

January Holidays in Valencia

Sunday 1 January - New Year’s Day

Friday 6 January - Three Kings Day

Monday 22 January - Feast of San Vicente Martir

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at one or more of the great things we’ve got planned for you this month!

Jane Buck,


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