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December Newsletter

The end of 2024 is upon us, and everyone is gearing up for the coming holidays. More and more frequently in Valencia we are seeing lights on trees and holiday sales in shops (“Black Friday” springs to mind!) but what does it mean when we say “Happy Holidays”? It seems that all over the world people are celebrating something in the coming weeks! We all know about Christmas and Chanukah, but here’s a sampling of what IWCV members are celebrating this month – are you ready??? 

Bodhi Day (Buddhist 12/8), 

Boxing Day (UK 12/26), 

Chanukah (Jewish 12/25), 

Chinese New Year (1/29), 

Christmas (Christian 12/25), 

Dongzhi (China 12/21), 

Fête des Lumières (Lyon 12/8), 

Fiesta de Santo Tomás (Guatemala 12/21), Hogmanay (Scotland 12/31), 

Kwanzaa (African 12/26), 

Las Posadas (Mexico 12/16), 

Omisoka (Japan 1/31), 

Saint Nicholas Day (European 12/6), 

Sinterklaas (Netherlands 12/5), 

Three Kings Day (Parts of Europe, Central & South America, Caribbean 1/6), 

Western New Year (1/1), 

Yule (12/21 Pagan & Nordic)

….and there are more! Whatever you are celebrating, may your celebration be a happy, healthy one!

Read on to find out what the IWCV has planned for you this coming month, and don’t forget to check the IWCV website ( periodically as events are added all the time!)

FIRST TUESDAY COFFEE MORNING, Tuesday 3 December, 10:30am to Noon on the Terrace behind the MUVIM Museum. Open to all women of Valencia, both IWCV members and those who haven’t officially joined us yet. No need to sign up in advance. Just stop by for a cuppa and a chat!


SECRETS & LEGENDS OF VALENCIA CULTURAL WALKING TOUR, Tuesday 10 December. Open to IWCV members, their partners/spouses, Fellows of the IWCV, and out-of-town guests. This tour with David of Ars Magna was so popular last month that we are offering it again! For complete details and to sign up, click here: Secrets & Legends of Valencia Cultural Walking Tour | IWC - Valencia

FELLOWS OF THE IWCV HAPPY HOUR, Wednesday 11 December (Note: this is new date!), 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Metropolis Bistro, C/de Cuba 48. Open to Everyone! Join the Fellows to celebrate the holiday season, to see old friends, and to make new ones! No need to register in advance – just stop by and say hello! For details, click here: Fellows of the IWCV Happy Hour | IWC - Valencia

LIQUID GOLD: CHOOSING, COOKING, AND THRIVING WITH THE BEST OLIVE OIL – THE ESSENTIALS FOR UNDERTANDING EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL IN SPAIN, Saturday 14 December, 11:30AM to 1:00PM. Open to IWCV Members, their partners/spouses, Fellows of the IWCV, and out-of-town guests. Join Olive Oil Curator Susan Hoover and Dietitian Nutritionist Susan Burke March as they distinguish the facts and fiction of EVOO. You get to taste some too! For details and to sign up, click here, then scroll down: Events | IWC - Valencia

WALKING TOUR OF SAGUNTO, Tuesday 17 December, 10:00am to 1:00pm. Open to IWCV Members, their partners/spouses, Fellows of the IWCV, and out-of-town guests. This tour was rained out last month, but now you have another chance see Sagunto, one of the most thriving municipalities located north of the capital city of Valencia. It is rich in art, history, festivals, and fantastic culinary gems. Join us as we have a day in the city guided by the wonderful David of Ars Magna Cultural tours. For complete details and to register, click here: Walking Tour of Sagunto | IWC - Valencia

IWCV DECEMBER HOLIDAY LUNCH, Thursday 19 December, 2:00pm. Open to IWCV Members, their partners/spouses, and Fellows of the IWCV. This month we celebrate the holidays by going to Restaurante Birbirloque Tapas y Vinos. You are very welcome to join us at this Gastro Wine Bar located at the historic center of Valencia on Calle La Paz, 7. To register go to December Holiday Luncheon | IWC - Valencia 

PURPOSEFUL PROSE: A CREATIVE WORKSHOP IN THREE SESSIONS, Thursday 9 January (first session). Open to IWCV members only. This writing workshop is designed especially for women seeking a supportive community in which to write and connect. We will discover joy in collaboration and mutual encouragement as we navigate our lives together. For complete details and to register, click here: Purposeful Prose: A Creative Workshop in Three Sessons | IWC - Valencia

CAREGIVER SELF-CARE: HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE WHILE TAKING CARE OF A LOVED ONE AT HOME, Tuesday 21 January, 11:00am – 1:00pm, Location TBD. Open to all IWCV members, their partners/spouses, and Fellows of the IWCV, with a focus on mutual respect and confidentiality. This new on-going activity aims to provide support and practical help for anyone managing a loved at home with a long-term or disabling condition. For complete details and to register, click here: Caregiver Self-Care: How to Survive and Thrive While Taking Care of a Loved One at Home | IWC - Valencia


Janine Forbes, VP Membership

New members and re-joiners in November 24 - Welcome to all!

Coralie Nourrisson France/Spain

Dayna Rubalcava USA

Jeanna Macias USA

Linda Wray Netherlands

Lindsay Church USA

Robin Kaplan USA

Saskia Visser Spain

Teresa Lucas USA

Happy Birthday to our December Ladies!

Audrey Phillips

Candy Mirrer

Catherine Kohler

Debbie Roth

Denise Huffman

Elizabeth Mc Cullough

Esperanza AREVALO

Helene Scholsberg

Ketty Delapena

Marlyse Lupis

Myra Deuel 

Norma Acland

Olimpia Cerda

Olivia Stidham

Phyllis So

Robin Kaplan

Silvia Ayllon

Simona Pappalardo

Suzanne Rosselet

Tiffany Gaura

Victoria Young

Full registered members now stand at 293. Many new members found us through other members and Facebook recommendations. 

Input from Membership VP - Janine Forbes

We held our twice-yearly New Members Meet Up this month, kindly hosted by our President, Jane at her home. It was wonderful to meet our newer members and as always delightful to hear all the stories of how they found themselves in this wonderful place. 

Any newer members who would like to meet up with a local Ambassador can contact Famke at who will be happy to help. 

Remember, all the information about the group is on the IWCV website. If you would like to join one of the many WhatsApp groups, just contact the relevant lead member or any board member including myself, If you think any women in your personal network would enjoy our club, please pass on and bring them along to an event. Monthly Coffee is at Muvim Cafe 3rd December from 10:30 please come along and bring your friends!


Pauline Fitzgerald, VP – Charities

The holiday season is upon us, and our charities continue to need our support. For those of you who wish to make a private donation, the bank details of our charities are as follows; please ensure that you note IWCV in the reference box.

Proyecto Vivir: ES75 3159 0066 9828 5328 2123

Casa Caridad: 1. La Caixa: ES47 2100 0736 0022 0061 2310; 2. Banco Sabadell: ES75 0081 7352 4300 0105 7311

Casa Ronald: ES27 0081 1518 9300 0150 8057

We had an amazing response to the Sponsor a Child program. IWCV members have sponsored a total of 108 children this year. 

Missy Varadi Anobile is busy gathering gifts for the homeless. We will be collecting gifts at the December coffee morning on Tuesday December 3rd. Please ensure that all items are wrapped individually and labelled with their contents in Spanish. 

A big thank you to all you IWCV Ladies for your continuous generosity and support.


Susan Burke March, VP—Activities

All the IWCV activities remain active and engaged, and December is shaping up to be a busy month for special events! 

David from Ars Magnus is guiding TWO tours this month - the Secrets and Legends of Valencia on Tuesday, Dec 10. On Tuesday 17 December join the tour to Sagunto to discover this fascinating city north of Valencia.

The "two Susans"  - Susan Hoover and Susan Burke March are talking EVOO! Join us on Saturday 14 December at Susan Hoover's place for a new event, "Liquid Gold: Choosing, Cooking, and Thriving with the Best Olive Oil In The World! - tasting the new oils from the 2024-2025 season as a special bonus!

We have a new Activity beginning in January - Louisa Walker, PhD will be leading Self-Care for the Caregivers – a group that will meet monthly to provide support and practical help for managing a loved one with a long-term or disabling condition. Sign up for the group at this link, and Louisa will add you to the WhatsApp chat.

Also, in January, May Leong is hosting a unique, three-part creative writing workshop designed to create a warm and welcoming space for individuals to explore their aspirations for 2025 and beyond.

Would you like to chat about an idea for a new event? Would you like to coordinate a regularly scheduled activity? Email me or WhatsApp -; +34 651 858 463. 


Carey Hepler, Coordinator

The Fellows of the IWCV is open to all men of Valencia, including the male spouses/partners of IWCV members, current & former. To join the group, please email Carey Hepler at and give him your name & contact details. If there is a particular activity that you are interested in and would like to coordinate, let Carey know!

Take a look above for the link to details of the Fellows’ Happy Hour on Wednesday 11 December. All IWCV members, their partners/spouses and guests are invited to attend!


Friday 6 December   Constitution Day

Wednesday 25 December Christmas Day

Our best wishes to all of you for a lovely holiday (whichever you may celebrate) and a happy and especially a healthy New Year!

Jane Buck,



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